Blue Light

There is a crack in everything,
that’s how the light gets in…

Leonard Cohen

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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31 Responses to Blue Light

  1. Perfect pairing of words for the cool blue images!


  2. glendanp says:

    You know how I love cracks!!! These are beautiful and so amazing!


  3. kellie@writingmoment says:

    Lovely pics and quote!


  4. Carol says:

    Beautiful blues!


  5. elmediat says:

    Beautiful series. The way the temps are right now, another extreme temperature advisory today, I just don’t want any heat escaping through the crack. 😀


  6. Love blue ice. The last time I saw it up close it was frozen over my gutters. Thanks for Leonard Cohen quote. I’m always surprised when I dig out my old vinyl folk artists and my husband knows who they are. He’s nine years younger and was raised in a blink and you missed it, Bible belt town. I grew up in Chicago and my hippie days were spent in Old Town. Now we both live in a blink and you’ve missed in part of the country where most people think we’re both weird old hippies. 🙂


  7. Kristin says:

    Well, I love cobalt and I see a hint of it in these cool pics;) Sorry I’ve been absent so long.


  8. Icelandica says:

    Beautiful blues. And L. Cohen

    Beautiful blues. And one of my favorite L. Cohen quotes.


  9. folamibayode says:

    These photographs are beautiful. They have a deeper meaning for me as I am experiencing a seismic shift in my life right now. Cracks. Breaking. Opening up. Becoming.


  10. Tish Farrell says:

    Beautiful blues AND one of my favourite Leonard songs. Saw him do it live in London, Ontario a few years ago. The Labatt stadium was full – from babes to ninety year olds.


Let me know what you think!