What I saw today….

We spent our pandemic Thanksgiving doing what we enjoy:  going for a drive through the mountains, no masks needed, no social distancing necessary – just me and my husband coasting along the empty, narrow, and winding country roads.

We can always count on seeing some beautiful pastoral scenes so typical of the Allegheny Highlands of Virginia and West Virginia.

Cows graze in a field still green (a bit unusual for this time of year; global warming definitely a factor):

pastoral scene with grazing cowsLight and shadow variations as the sun played hide-and-seek with clouds:

light and shadows on hills

A herd of goats slowly advances up a hill searching for juicy grasses:

goats on a hill

Then we come across some quirky scenes reflecting the rural nature of the place, expressions of creativity and a certain make-do mindset.

What do you think about this piggy mailbox?  It comes with an opening at the pig’s rear-end….

piggy mailbox

Someone’s living quarters from a long time ago, now storage for useless trash:

old bus

The name of the lane leading into the property with the deserted bus:  Slim Pickings Boulevard:

The entry fence was a sculpture created from engine parts (cam shaft, crank shaft, gears – as identified by my husband):

fence from machine parts

And a creepy little gate guardian:

gate guardian

But the creepiest – and most sinister – find today was a large tree with dead animal carcasses hanging from it.  Someone must hate coyotes very much.

tree with dead coyotes hanging from it

It seems like we have to take the beauty with the weird and the ugly, side by side.

Life these days…

Life like it’s always been…

We came home to a crock pot steaming with chicken and sweet potatoes.

A simple day in the country.

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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21 Responses to What I saw today….

  1. Patrica Collier says:


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  2. What a peaceful ride in the countryside at Thanksgiving Day.


  3. Thanks for the beautiful ride and images. And love your summary of taking the beauty with the weird and ugly. Happy Thanksgiving Annette!


  4. wilsonrhet says:

    Beautiful – captures life around here so well.



  5. dogear6 says:

    Those coyote carcasses are awful. Who’d want that hanging near their house / farm?

    On the other hand, that pig mailbox is a hoot!

    Thanks as always for the lovely photos and commentary.



  6. chelawriter says:

    Our many months of lockdown entertainment in rural northeastern NM is similarly going out for a drive, much pastoral beauty, different oddities. The latter here usually involve old tire-less vehicles in different states of disassembly, often with chickens nesting inside. Nothing as humorous as the pig mailbox, though abandoned ancient trailer homes are seen from time to time. Poverty here s such that most, no matter how old and decrepit, are still occupied.
    I am grateful to be able to be out, moving, seeing and having a break from my own walls and land.


    • I can visualize the chicken “houses”….we have many abandoned houses here in the VA and WVa Highlands, especially in the more remote areas. As adult children moved to the cities for education and jobs, and the older generation died out, homesteads were left behind and are crumbling. Glad you are getting out; going for a drive seems to be one of the few entirely safe activities these days. Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Chelawriter.


  7. Geri Lawhon says:

    All great photos, but I really like the bus in the woods.


  8. I love these kinds of drives. No where to go, no hurry, makes you slow down and see things everyone else zooms past. I live in the country, and every time I take a new route I discover new things I never saw before. Unusual things, comfy things — I love it.


  9. Pat says:

    What a wonderful post. I used to try to find the beauty in all that I saw but now recognize that some things just can’t by made beautiful – like the carcasses. But your photos do tell stories that are important to understanding our lives here on earth. Thanks.


Let me know what you think!