Summer Porch Textures

From my summer porch, I observe much of what’s going on around me without necessarily being seen. Since we can’t see our human neighbors through the trees, animals and plants become the subjects of my voyeuristic tendencies. When I saw this little hummingbird resting on the porch railing, I had time to go inside and fetch my camera. From its pudgy body shape and its slow movements, it appeared to be an adolescent that had recently left its nest to learn the ways of the world. Adults have much sleeker bodies and move so fast that it is difficult to get decent pictures.

This little fellow seemed to have no fear and allowed me to come quite close. Eventually, it flew from the flaky railing to a lemon-colored day lily and nestled against its smooth, cool petals.

I love the contrast between the soft and somewhat tussled feathers and the sleek flower petals. I can feel those textures on my fingertips.

When I saw one of our cats coming close to investigate, I waved my arms at the birdie and it flew across the yard to feed on phlox flowers there.

Even though the colors look different from the first few pictures, you can recognize the fellow from the strange little white feathers sticking up from its back. Here it is looking much more like its adult version.

It finally came to rest on the spiky flower head of echinacea. To me it feels more like sitting on a pin cushion! From there, the bird chirped as if calling out to its parent: “Feed me, feed me – I am tired of doing it all on my own. This is not as much fun as I thought it would be.” While a few adult hummers flew by, none of them stopped to respond to the little one. What a vulnerable time for this youngster who doesn’t know yet that cats are not your friends.

Eventually, it disappeared and has not returned – unless it metamorphosed into an adult so quickly that I can no longer differentiate it from the others that land on our hummingbird feeder. The picture below was taken when one of them hovered near the feeder and cast its shadows against the soffit board.

The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Textures.

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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44 Responses to Summer Porch Textures

  1. So cute šŸ™‚ Looks kinda grumpy šŸ˜›


  2. Beautiful hummer and opportunity to get close.


  3. cindy knoke says:

    Sweetie! Wonderful photos too~


  4. Klausbernd says:

    Sehr, sehr schƶn, Annette!


  5. Dina says:

    Stunning shots, Annette! This post puts a big smile on my face, despite the heavy rain in the Rhine Valley. šŸ™‚


  6. neilsonanita says:

    such beautiful photographs. you obviously have such a love for the animal kingdom, it shines through in your post. thanks for this. cheered me up no end today!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. patllosa says:

    Such a delight to wake up in the cool grumpy city and see/read such a colorful story. Thank you thank you thank you. Patty


  8. glendanp says:

    Reblogged this on Ipseity Road and commented:
    I love the tenderness of this post: the searching for food, the innocence of not know about cats, the beauty of life around us.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Valerie says:

    Beautiful! They are such fun to watch
    I admire your patience to photograph!


    • When I take photographs, I feel like a hunter and the adrenaline and intense concentration really is a pleasure. In the end, my “trigger” doesn’t kill anything but I still have my trophy (if any picture turns out good, that is) šŸ™‚ Glad to see your comment here, Valerie.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Amazing closeups of the hummers! Great voyeuristic tendencies, Annette.


  11. Anarette says:

    What a treat ! I have never seen a young and slow one.


  12. These are amazing pictures Annette. I do know how difficult it is to capture those beautiful hummingbirds, since we had nest of them on our patio many years ago. Wish you a happy summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Michael says:

    The young birds in our yard are often quite trusting as well. It’s beautiful to behold. But life is so eager to learn also. I’m sure that little one found his way… Hope so!

    Really nice photos!



  14. shoreacres says:

    I so rarely get to see a hummingbird that I always enjoy coming across others’ photos of them, and these are special. It’s a lovely little bird — you certainly did it justice.


  15. Lovely closeups and how wonderful to be able to observe so many in your backyard!


  16. Enjoyed so many of the details in your observations, Annette. The shift in the feather colours is quite tantalising – like light shifting on silk. Love that iridescence and the contrast of textures.


    • Yes, I was also surprised about the changing feather colors. It seemed to match its colors to the iris it sat on. It appeared to be a male since I saw just a hint of dots on its neck which later turn into the iridescently red throat color that is so characteristic of the male ruby-throated hummingbird.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Wonderful. I love the one with the yellow highlights on the bird’s feathers as he sits on the yellow flower.


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