Fresh Breath

A storm is blowing in tonight that may even bring a bit of snow and punish the plants that dared to bloom early, and the trees that have already grown tiny fruit.

But it was a beautiful spring day and, earlier, I took this uplifting picture of a freshly painted bird house swaying lightly in the wind.

Breathe – it’s spring!



Ailsa’s Travel Theme: Breathe.

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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11 Responses to Fresh Breath

  1. shoreacres says:

    Just today, I realized that our spring is slipping away. Some of the summer flowers already are blooming, and I went peach-picking this afternoon. Blackberries, blueberries, and tomatoes are ripe, and baby birds abound. It’s a wonderful time of year. Soon, our heat will be here, and the temptation to curse summer will arise again. πŸ™‚


  2. Yes, spring is slipping away, the bluebirds have successfully fledged at least one youngster from their nesting box outside my window, but the green foliage is still fresh thanks to all the rain of the past two weeks. As you say, much to look forward to.


  3. Fresh Spring breath is such glorious freedom after winter😊


  4. Claudia says:

    Spring always promises to dance the night away with you, only to share one slow dance and disappear. So we have to grab ahold of our partner and dance that one dance like there’s no tomorrow! Viva la Spring!


  5. arlene says:

    It’s so lovely!


  6. Maria F. says:

    I love these thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

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