Transcripts of Gratitude

I kept a Gratitude Jar last year.


Whenever I thought of something I was grateful for I wrote it on a slip of paper and dropped it in the jar. About midway through the year, I stopped. I don’t know why. I was still grateful for many things during the second half of the year; they just didn’t make it into my jar in written form.

But here are the ones that accumulated over the first six months of 2016.

I was grateful for the small (and not so small) delights and luxuries of life: good coffee in the morning; regular bathroom visits; tasty dark chocolate; professional massages that helped my body feel better; fresh, organic produce and eggs; safe travel to places where I felt restored and re-energized.


I felt grateful for the exercise, beauty, and harvest my garden gave me and the help I received from a few young people with the more physically taxing tasks. I gave thanks for the warmth of sunshine on a wintry day; and finally being able to open the windows and doors again as spring blessed us; delighted to watch a bald eagle glide down the river valley; intensely purple hyacinths.

virgin bower seedheads

Beyond grateful, I was “deliriously happy” that my twin grand babies were born healthy and that my daughter recovered well from a challenging pregnancy.

miltassia orchids

I was grateful for being able to choose what I wanted to do on any given day – a rare kind of freedom after decades of study and hard work.


I was thankful for what money CANNOT buy: love, kindness, friendships that survived the decades, deep satisfaction, beauty, and connectedness to nature.


I was grateful for what money CAN buy: comfort, good food, services, attention, good will, a sense of security, a sense of freedom.


Out of all the paper slips, this one is my favorite: “Grateful for my loving and understanding husband.”


I love that frog sitting among the yellow daffodils – it reminds me of how he tries to make me look at the sunny side of life, especially when I am indulging in negative emotions that I wear sometimes like well-worn clothes. This slip of paper inspired an end-of-year letter to my husband in which I expressed my gratitude for who and what he is in my life.

I suppose it’s time to place that same jar where it calls out to me everyday to transcribe my flashes of gratitude on paper. This really makes me more mindful of the daily goodness I experience and helps me see my glass as half full or, maybe, even totally full by the end of the year?

The Daily Post’s Discover Challenge this week: Transcript.

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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68 Responses to Transcripts of Gratitude

  1. Wow. I loved this post and the pictures too. The idea of gratitude jar is amazing. This year, I have put happiness jar for myself so that at the end of the year I’d look more towards the positive part than the negative.


  2. Kudos on sticking to your gratitude jar for 6 months. I only lasted a few weeks. 🙂 Your photos and gratitudes are beautiful Annette. I’m grateful for your sharing.


  3. beachbooksblog says:

    Such a beautiful post. Gratitude is a magic and powerful thing.


  4. Donna King says:

    Hi Annette. At first, when I read about the gratitude jar, I thought “Oh, how cliche. Another ‘prescription’ from some feel-better guru, no doubt.” I am not into blanket prescriptions, as you can tell; I am cynical of one-size-fits-all self-help approaches. But then I read the rest of your post: the actual things you had experienced that brought you joy (and yes, gratitude), the gorgeous pictures that went with them, and your take on all the things life has brought your way. I found myself being grateful, too, for that sunshine on the wintry day and the brilliance of the colors around me. I realized how much I, too, savor that good cup of coffee in the morning. Your post refreshed and re-energized me almost as much as one of those places to which we travel to renew our outlook. Thanks for the beautiful post…one of your best, I think. I am grateful for this breath of fresh air as I get up for work this morning, as it did much to dispel some negativity I was dealing with. Keep writing, Annette. Your sharing often helps more than you realize.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Donna. I totally relate to your cynical side; there is a part of me that does the same thing. Maybe the part of me that wants more excitement, more adventure? Just like the regular habit of walking a little each day helps keep the joints oiled (I am trying to walk 2 miles/day but am happy when I do it a few times a week). It’s small, not flashy like an aerobics workout at the gym, but I feel energized afterwards.
      And with gratitude – heck, there’s so much to grumble about every time I read the news and allow it to filter into my emotional space. If I remember to write that little gratitude slip, it feels like I am creating my own positive news; that’s starting to feel like a revolutionary act in these times….


  5. I love this idea, Annette! What a great way to remind yourself of all the small and large things we have to be grateful for. The letter of gratitude to your husband sounds like the perfect gift. Thank you for sharing this. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Cathy. Reading your comment re-inspires me to start up again – today….and my husband loved the letter, so much more meaningful than any physical object I could have given him (unless, of course, it was a brand new motorcycle 🙂


  6. Annette, this is a marvelous post, filled with beauty and inspiration. I shall hold it close for a while.


  7. Carla says:

    I do this for myself each year – – and it’s been such a gift to me when I opened it New Year’s eve. Things I thought: “oh I will never forget to be grateful for this. I will never forget this moment.”
    I’ve forgotten them 🙂 and they make me smile all over again.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Julie says:

    What a beautiful practice! I just may implement a gratitude jar in my life.


  9. Beautifully written Annette..


  10. A wonderful post, Annette. It’s a great reminder of how each day can have a special moment, often when we least expect it.


  11. Tish Farrell says:

    I love the idea of a gratitude jar. Think I might summon one of my African pots for such service. The photos are glorious as always, Annette. Happy New Year to you.


  12. Thanks for this beautiful reminder, Annette. Congratulations on your twin grandchildren :).


  13. This is so great. A gratitude jar is such a fun thing to look back on and remember things!


  14. Sheila Scorziello says:

    Lovely post and a great idea! I’m starting a Gratitude Jar tomorrow. It might be missing the first days of the year, but I already know what to put in for today. Grateful for learning about the Gratitude Jar from Annette!


  15. Annette, congratulations on the birth of your twin grand babies! How wonderful!


  16. Loved readings about all your gratitude… so inspiring and drives us forward into fully enjoying our life… simply… full and motivating. Here’s to a magical new year x barbara x


  17. Inger says:

    That is such a great idea! A Gratitude Jar – maybe that is what I should do for this year:) Thank you so much for the inspiration!


  18. Anarette says:

    The gratitude jar; what a great idea. Thanks for sharing all your treasures.


  19. tree girl says:

    beautiful photographs and a thoughtful practice

    wishing you many more blessings for this year


  20. mukhamani says:

    A beautiful idea. Every morning I think about all the things I grateful for. But writing them down is so nice. Thank you for sharing 🙂


  21. I definately am in the right place 🙂

    This is one lovely idea , with a lot of hope and perspective .
    We usually aren’t praising the right things at the right moments , and efinitely judging the wrong things at the wrong moments
    I thought like that makes your grounded

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Thanks so much for this I love the idea of a gratitude jar. I just recently discovered your blog but I adore it! I wanted to let you know I’ve nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. If you’d like to participate come check out how at:

    Thanks for your beautiful posts. Keep up the great blogging!


  23. This is such a heartwarming blog!! I loved it! Thank you for sharing.


  24. Such a creative idea and a lovely, inspiring post. Thank you for sharing this along with photos of your beautiful handwritten notes.<3


  25. Lucid Gypsy says:

    I had a gratitude jar last year as well, but didn’t keep going as long as you. Lovely photos 🙂


  26. I love this idea and am going to give it a try. I thin it is especially nice to be able to go back and reflect on the moments that inspired your gratitude with a bit of distance. And, your notes are so artful!


  27. Judie Sigdel says:

    I have never heard of a gratitude jar. What a wonderful idea! ❤


  28. beautiful tiny notes in the pictures… isn’t it lovely to find such notes at places. ❤ it. I do it. It
    is so much fun 🙂


  29. emmacorrine says:

    I currently keep a gratitude list but I love the idea of a jar 🙂


  30. ramblebee says:

    Stumbled upon this when searching gratitude posts! Wonderful, and really beautiful things to be thankful for. Thanks for the share.

    Liked by 1 person

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