A Gathering of Winter Trees

High above the valley, there’s a place few people know.

Hoch über them Tal, da gibt es einen Ort den nur wenige kennen.

view from the top

While the valley still has no snow, this mountain top forest is covered with it.

Während das Tal noch keinen Schnee hat, ist dieser hochgelegene Wald schon schneebedeckt.

trees and a sign

We walk quietly, our steps hushed by snow.

Der Schnee machte unsere Schritte beinahe geräuschlos.

man in winter woods

Deeper and deeper we walk, into the sanctuary of young spruce trees growing in the protection of the older ones. I imagine fox or squirrel finding refuge beneath these branches, huddled into a hollow lined with dry needles and mosses.

Tiefer und tiefer gehen wir, in das Heiligtum von jungen Fichten die im Schutz der älteren Bäume wachsen. Ich kann mir vorstellen wie ein Fuchs oder Eichhörnchen unter diesen Zweigen Zuflucht findet, sich in eine Mulde schmiegend die mit trockenen Nadeln und Moos ausgekleidet ist.

a protected place

High above, the old ones stand supreme conversing through the rushing of the wind.

Hoch oben ragen die Alten über alles auf und unterhalten sich durch das Rauschen des Windes.
tall winter trees

Here and there, sunlight slides through between vertical tree lines and kisses what’s almost hidden near the ground.

Hier und da gleitet Sonnenlicht zwischen den Bäumen durch und küsst was fast auf dem Grunde verborgen ist.

light touching down

Tracks in the snow tell us about other visitors before us – fox, bobcat, mink?

Spuren im Schnee erzählen uns von anderen Besuchern vor uns – Fuchs, Wildkatze, Nerz?

Evergreen leaves sleep under the cover of snow, patiently awaiting their far-off spring awakening.

Immergrüne Blätter schlafen unter dem Deckmantel des Schnees, und warten geduldig auf ihr fernes Frühlingserwachen.

snow on green leaves

It’s winter solstice time – the light is shy and stays only briefly.

Es ist Wintersonnenwende – das Licht ist schüchtern und bleibt nur eine kurze Zeit.

long tree shadows

This pristine place is cold. We nestle our shoulders deeper inside our jackets and pull our hats over our ears. We don’t want to be caught by the dark so far from home. We, too, only stay briefly.

Es ist kalt hier an diesem unberührten Ort. Wir schmiegen unsere Schultern tiefer in unsere Jacken und ziehen unsere Mützen über die Ohren. Wir wollen nicht von der Dunkelheit überrascht werden, so weit von zu Hause entfernt. Auch wir bleiben nur eine kurze Zeit.

The Weekly Photo Challenge is “Gathering.”

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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20 Responses to A Gathering of Winter Trees

  1. Lovely walk in the woods. Happy Holidays Annette!


  2. shoreacres says:

    So, so beautiful. Thank you for the photos, and the lovely words. And of course — Fröhliche Weihnachten!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Laura Bloomsbury says:

    sun and snow a paradoxically lovely combo – Happy Christmas!


  4. Really lovely photos! Your words match perfectly 🙂


  5. looks wonderful…im longing for some cold snow and ice


  6. WOW! I’m not sure why I got so emotional, but thank you for sharing your walk! I love to go for walks in the woods, maybe that is why I had tears swelling up in my eyes :). I will be re blogging this to blog, awesome pictures! <3!


  7. Reblogged this on Unfolding the Heart and commented:
    I stumbled upon this beautiful blog, this post brought me such happiness that I had to reblog it! ❤ I am now inspired to take a Winter walk as well~

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello Annette I am so glad that i found your Blog yesterday. Reading this particular post have transported me into a different world.I have never experience winter, let alone explore a snow-covered woods. But your writing and wonderful photos have brought me to this beauty. I love your thinking and approach in Life. I look forward to explore your posts and get to know more of you thru your journeys and finding beauty along your travels. Hope you have a nice day! Sending you warm thoughts from Kuwait 🙂


    • Thank you, warm greetings are very much appreciated as the MidWest and East Coast in the US are digging out from way too much snow. You’ve got sand storms, we’ve got snow storms 🙂 So glad you are liking what you see here, feel free to browse, there’s a lot here and many different categories. Sending a few snowflakes towards Kuwait…

      Liked by 1 person

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