The Gift of an (Extra)Ordinary Morning

Blue shadows ruled as we got on the road just before sunrise.

Alles war in blaue Schatten getaucht als wir uns kurz vor Sonnenaufgang auf die Fahrt machten.

early morning on the road

There was a destination, but many temptations along the road to stop for. Frost-kissed grasses and cold trees seemed eager for the sun’s warm touch.

Es gab einen Bestimmungsort, aber viele Versuchungen an der Landstraße entlang. Von Frost geküsste Gräser und kalte Bäume warten auf die warme Berührung der Sonne.

tree and frost

The world before sunlight, underfoot

Die Welt vor dem Sonnenlicht, unter unseren Füßen

frost on grasses

The world touched by sunlight, overhead:

Die Welt vom Sonnenlicht berührt, über uns:

seed heads dangling

Gatherings of hyperactive red-winged blackbirds, lethargic geese and curious sheep.

Versammlungen von überaktiven rot-geflügelten Amseln, lethargischen Gänsen und neugierigen Schafen.

The valley was awakening. We had to hurry or it would be too late.

Das Tal erwachte. Wir mussten eilen, oder es würde bald zu spät sein.

valley awakening

Finally, we arrived here, on magic pond

Schließlich kamen wir hier am Zauberteich an

steam rising on pond

Steam rises into the morning air, water spirits ascending

Dampf erhebt sich in die Morgenluft, Wassergeister steigen auf

mysterious pond

Tree shadows guard frosty remnants of the night.

Baumschatten schützen die frostigen Reste der Nacht

frost shadows

Ducks glide across the water’s far end, silent as the water spirits.

Enten gleiten über das Wasser in der Ferne, leise wie die Wassergeister.

ducks at far end

Can you see the kingfisher high up in the tree?

Kannst du den Eisvogel hoch im Baum sehen?

kingfisher in tree

Just another autumn morning in the high country. Now it’s time for a cup of hot coffee.

Ein ganz normaler Herbstmorgen in den Bergen. Jetzt ist es aber Zeit für einen heißen Kaffee.

The Weekly Photo Challenge: Extraordinary.

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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52 Responses to The Gift of an (Extra)Ordinary Morning

  1. Olga says:

    Loved your frosty photo journey. It certainly was an extra(ordinary) morning. Your guiding words nicely elevated the feel of the images. Wonderful post.


  2. Barneysday says:

    Beautiful shots, as always. I love the first one, with the road winding out towards dawn.


  3. Lovely frosty images, Annette. Your mention of the red-winged blackbirds sparked my interest, as I posted one for my Wordless Wednesday photo. 🙂


  4. Beautiful photos Annette and journey along your extra-ordinary morning. 🙂


  5. Beautiful and poetic lines and images! Thank you for sharing.


  6. bethhavey says:

    Oh, how lovely. Everyone of your photos is awesome and so are your lyrical captions. I loved the journey.


  7. I like all of your landscape/scenery pictures but I also like the sheep. They look intent on you and frosty themselves.


  8. shoreacres says:

    The kingfishers haven’t arrived here yet. I enjoy them so. It’s special when they do come, and begin that raucous crying that always sounds like winter to me.

    We rarely see such sights as your pond, but sometimes, especially in December, a cold front can roll over Galveston Bay and set up the most wonderful sea fog. Until then, I’ll just enjoy your photos and words.


  9. glendanp says:

    I love this! My favorite photo is the road and how the white line captures me and pulls me along to who know where. Thanks !


  10. Tish Farrell says:

    Stunning, Annette. So filled with turn-of-the-year chilliness – a closing down of the natural world, but the soaring of human spirit at the wonder of it.


  11. I love the misty pond ethereal!


  12. Love your frosty images, as well as that misty, ethereal pond. Lovely, and then to follow with a cup of hot coffee: perfect ending. 🙂


  13. Nomzi Kumalo says:

    Such beauty. Incredible. 🙂


  14. Each photograph is a poem unto itself.


  15. Wow! Those pictures are beautiful and thank you for taking us along. Lovely!

    Stopping by from the Daily Post Challenge page :


  16. eta712whiteoakcottage says:

    Your words are beautifully written and flow like poetry; the photographs are gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing. 🙂


  17. safifer says:

    Thank you for sharing pictures and words!


  18. lolaWi says:

    beautiful words and photos, Annette! so lovely 🙂


  19. Thea says:

    wow, was für tolle Fotos und wundervollen Stimmungen! Gefallen mir sehr.
    Habe durch Zufall Deine Seite entdeckt und sie gefällt mir. Werde sicherlich jetzt öfters vorbeischeuen.
    Liebe Grüße,


  20. Anarette says:

    I love the “steamy” photos. I am looking forward to those days here as well.


  21. Pingback: The Gift of an (Extra)Ordinary Morning |

  22. Pingback: My Article Read (11-2-2015) | My Daily Musing

  23. Reblogged this on The Beauty Along the Road and commented:

    The frosty nights we’ve been having recently remind me of this post, even though written during a different season and year…


  24. Einfach ich - just me says:

    Reblogged this on Einfach ich – just me and commented:
    Just beautiful

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Pit says:

    Absolut FAN.TAS.TISCH! So fabelhaft mystische Stimmungen! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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