Where Land Meets Water

Sometimes, the edges between land and water are well-defined.
Sometimes, the boundary line between two dichotomies is easily defined.
Here is water – fluid, wet, flowing. And here is land – dry, static, still.
Things can be that clear, and that simple.

But what happens, when the lines get blurred?

Buffalo Lake

When one blends into the other, without a clear and distinct boundary?
When one reflects the other; when someone holds a mirror up to us?
What do we perceive? What are we willing to see?
Are we able to blend dichotomies, live beyond either-or, give up our need for certainty and definition?
Walk in the beauty of oneness?

Ailsa’s Travel Theme this week: Where Land Meets Water.

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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24 Responses to Where Land Meets Water

  1. cindy knoke says:

    Beautiful reflections!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bydda88 says:

    Exquisite- I love the reflections and elongations stretching the imagination in those shimmering waters


  3. jpeggytaylor says:

    Beautiful image and thoughtful prose – lovely.


  4. Aggie says:

    It looks to be a forest edge as well.


  5. Sometimes lines do get blurrred and we need to be accepting. Lovely photo!


  6. wilsonrhet says:

    I think that land is quite fluid as well. Once I learned about edges being the most abundant places on our mother earth.


  7. How artistic, love the gorgeous reflections…


  8. Edges, just as life is. Beautiful shots

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Very profound! Great interpretation for Ailsa’s travel theme. I wish I could learn how to walk in the beauty of oneness. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Beautiful photo and reflections on our perspective. Thanks Annette!


  11. I love the photo as well as your insights!


Let me know what you think!