No Rainbow Today: For Charleston

Heavy cloud banks piled up over the mountains.

here comes the rain

And then it rained. But not just any old rain.

heavy rain

Sheets of rain washed down the windows; water seeped in under the balcony door; rain streamed down the driveway digging new ruts into the road.

Rain, rain, rain – drumming, pelting, driving, relentless rain.

It reminded me of the tears and sorrow among the shocked survivors of the Charleston massacre – tears for the loss of nine innocent black people, their lives cut short by a hate-filled young white man with a gun.

fallen blossom

How can a country that elected a black man for president still hold so much race-based hatred? How can a politician blame one of the murdered men for this tragedy because he opposed a law allowing people to carry concealed guns into churches? How can the confederate flag, the feared and hated symbol of white supremacy, still be allowed to fly next to the American flag?

raindrops on hosta

Between the cloud bursts, I was looking for a rainbow. But there was none.
between cloud bursts

I feel a sorrow as thick and deep as the rain clouds; a sorrow for the families of the murdered victims, for black people everywhere who were slammed with another painful reminder that history continues to repeat itself, generation after generation; for those white people who want to be part of a racially harmonious country and are left speechless. And my heart aches for those white people who must shore up their self-value at the expense of people of another race; filling their inner emptiness with hatred, and the rage that must be directed at the “other.”


I ache for yet another gaping hole in the thin fabric between black and white, the rainbow flag turned into a funeral shroud.


And the rain keeps coming into the night.

No rainbow today.


The Weekly Photo Challenge is: ROY G. BIV (for Red.Orange.Yellow.Green.Blue.Indigo.Violet, the colors of the rainbow).

About Beauty Along the Road

A blog about discovering beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations.
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18 Responses to No Rainbow Today: For Charleston

  1. Aggie says:

    Darkness indeed veils the sun.


  2. saine13 says:

    Sometimes the original meaning can get lost. The Confederate Flag was not originally a racist flag. It was a symbol of the South and southern heritage. It is also the ‘rebel’ or ‘Dixie’ flag. “Fans of Rockabilly music often use the Confederate Flag as their emblem (Rockabilly is an early style of rock and roll music from the 1950s. It is a fusion of rock music with hillbilly or country music)”.
    “unfortunately some racist groups adopted the flag as a symbol of their organisation”.
    I suppose I am just trying to say here that not everyone sees the Confederate flag in a ‘racist’ way. I doubt if fans of music see it as ‘racist’.
    Very sad what happened in Charleston.


  3. schuttzie says:

    Your compassion shines through your words, Annette~ What a wonderful post and I agree wholeheartedly that is shocking that we still have such racist hatred going on in this country. Heartbreaking that people are so unhappy and fully of hatred of another race. Very well written and beautiful photos, thank you for sharing this!


  4. Wonderful post, Annette, about this horrible tragedy that really mars our nation. What can be done to stop these kinds of violent and hateful incidents? We just can’t tolerate it any more. Not from anyone. So incredibly sad.


  5. jenyjenny says:

    I love Charleston. Cannot turn on the TV without feeling tears well up. Thanks for your very thoughtful, lovely post.


  6. From my experience, I believe most people of all races get along quite well. People filled with the much hate are in a very small minority and I’m thankful for that.



  7. Tina Schell says:

    A beautiful post Annette. I too am so sad that things like this somehow continue to happen. There has always been hate; hopefully in the end good triumphs over evil. I tend to agree w Janet but the small minority certainly hold our attention, don’t they?


  8. Barneysday says:

    Incredibly well said. The callousness of the killer only slightly exceeds that of the politicians who still will not take a stand against guns.


  9. jpeggytaylor says:

    A poignant post – it is so sad we have another tragedy like this. We desperately need that elusive rainbow of hope to shine some light into the dark corners of these hateful minds.


  10. Annette, this is a profound post. Your compassion and grief over this senseless act of homegrown terrorism shines through. YOU are the rainbow of hope and compassion.


  11. Maria F. says:

    Yes, great post Annette! Beautiful post in essay form, with so many poignant reflections and heartfelt convictions. The images are very nice also.


  12. Annette, we joined you in the grief and rain, rage and questions. Sometimes the racism in our country is truly soul numbing. Yet, there is also much good, and Nature remains. Thank you for touch what matters.


  13. lolaWi says:

    beautiful and profound post, Annette! i feel the pain.


  14. Your words and pictures truly underscore the deep tragedy. I pray that enlightenment comes to your country and its people, even as I pray the same for my own.


  15. tamwarner says:

    I don’t understand how the Stars and Bars can be seen as anything but racist. And southern culture does include slavery… The south needs a new emblem…one of equality and respect.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. artofearth says:

    Beautiful post, Annette. I am amazed at the graciousness of the families, their willingness to forgive. I cannot fathom the depth of self-hatred of this young man who would commit so vile an act against people who welcomed him. Many people are asking, What can we do? I think it’s important to keep working on self-growth, whatever that entails for each individual, and to also explore group activities such as those under the auspices of organizations like Coming to the Table. If our country is socially stalled, it is because there is still much truth-telling to be done as well as healing that needs to take place, and not just with African Americans and those whose ancestors came from Europe, but also with myriad others…First Peoples, other immigrants, and the very land itself, which in the South also suffered mightily under slavery and the depleting, use-it-up-and-move-on “agriculture” that accompanied that most peculiar of institutions. Thank you for sharing your grief and your sentiments and your photographs.


  17. So beautifully expressed, in word and image. Maybe soon the rainbow will appear


  18. Gorgeous images…gorgeous thoughts.


Let me know what you think!